Sunday, June 26, 2005

Birthday Reflections

It is not everyday that is identified as 'yours.' But that is what birthday's are (at least here in the US). I realize that birthday's really are less about you. It is more about the people around you (family and friends) to celebrate your life and their love for you. I was blessed today with both friends and family going above the call to show their love for me. Whether a silly E-card, a "happy B-day" on AIM, sharing a meal, or filling my house with balloons.

My folks told me today that your 30's are the best years of your life. You can take the experience and formation of your teens and twenties and live the life you were created to live. I don't think I could put it better myself. That's what tomorrow is all about. Living the life I was CREATED to live.

Many thanks to everyone and their efforts today. It has been a fine day.