Crazy Life never seems to slow down.
Of course by the title of the post, no one ever imagined that life would slow down. It's funny how as a child you only wait for vacation time to start and you put in your time to get to that vacation. Too many adults treat life the same way still. Just waiting for the weekend. Waiting for my 2 weeks vacation. Waiting for the holidays. Etc.
There seems to come a time in everyone's life (whether they choose to see it and deal with it is another issue) when they hit a wall. Not talking about "my pet died" or "my 2nd cousin's, great aunt's favorite cat died." I'm talking about that wall in life that leaves you at a crossroads. Either you go through the wall or you go back the way you came. It would seem that most people in this world come to this wall and then walk away because it is too much work, too much effort, or just not interesting to deal with. Hence they stay in their childhood effort to make it to the weekend, vacation, etc. When all they have to do is deal with the issue, more often than not requiring the Almighty's help, and mature in faith and life.
Example: I've noticed recently here in Denver there seems to be a big weekend warrior mentality that requires stupidity to reign supreme, only to go back to work on Monday to compare notes on who did the dumbest thing or who drank the most, etc. I'm sure this was also the case in Point as well, but I had limited exposure to that scene at that time. When do people realize that there is more to life than your 40 hour work week (or 60 hour for that matter)? When do people realize that the things that matter most in life are not the things that define you, but who you are? Perhaps I'm just around a bunch of people that haven't figured this out yet. Perhaps, I'm "too serious."
I'd still like to think that there is more to life for all of us than punching a clock, coming home, getting programmed by the TV, going to bed, doing it all over again until we can reach the freedom of the weekend and then rot our brains on some variety of flashing images, fermented grains, and/or some plant that is smoked.
In seperate news, I've been "haunted" (I use that term loosely) by feelings, images, and desires for my long ago ex. I recently found out that she got engaged to a man much older than I and it would appear that any spiritual growth or formation as been at best halted or at worst dissolved. I understand God was probably saving me at the time (mostly from myself) yet when you love someone, those feelings linger tend to linger. I almost feel like Rob Gorden in High Fidelty. I understand the door is closed but I want this lingering to be put to rest forever.
Back at the studies....Dig it?